Gallery Info

FLEXENER 3: Energy Flexibility Management and Aggregation Services Platform

- Start date: 15/05/2023
- End date: 17/04/2024
- Budget: 464,105 €
Funding programme:
AEI: Programa de Agrupaciones de Empresas Innovadoras
Ministerio de Industria, Comercio y Turismo
Plan de Recuperación Económica: Programa NextGen UE

The objective of the FLEXENER 3 project is the continuation and final phase of the research and development activities of the FLEXENER project (previously funded in the AEI call), whose objective is the creation of a digital energy management platform that allows the energy demand of a building (commercial, small and medium industry) to be adapted to the conditions of the electricity market in real time and in an optimal and secure manner. To this end, the platform will be equipped with tools to characterise and evaluate the energy performance of buildings and their processes in order to determine the existing energy flexibility and manage it in order to participate in balancing markets, future local flexibility markets and similar. CEMOSA, in collaboration with the Smart City Cluster, SOFTCRITS, University of Malaga and HISPASEC, are developing the different components of the platform that will be evaluated in several pilots with different energy equipment such as smart batteries and air conditioning systems.
CEMOSA's role
CEMOSA is responsible for developing energy aggregation and management services to optimise users’ energy costs and to offer tools and mechanisms that allow a retailer to evolve into an energy aggregator, both in current and future markets.