Gallery Info

Drafting of project and works management for ``Interior Sanitation Network in the urban area of La Guancha``
- Customer: Cabildo de Tenerife
- Location: Spain
- Start date: 2020
- End date: 2021
- Budget: 70.732,80€
CEMOSA' Services
- Supervision of the drafting of the construction project.
- Review and supervision of the final design.
- Review and supervision of geotechnical studies.
- Review and supervision of topographical works.
- Review of mechanical and electrical equipment tests.
- Quantitative and qualitative control during construction.
- Construction supervision.
- Health and safety coordination.
- Technical advisory servicies.
- Assistance to the owner in negotiations with the contractor.
- Review and collaboration in the detailed engineering of the work.
- Review, approval and monitoring of work programmes.
- Monthly monitoring reports.
- Specific technical reports.
- Administrative and economic management of the works.
- Review of final work documentation. Project “as built”.
- Final reports.