Continuing on the development of photovoltaic energy, Castilla y León will carry out the construction of Virgen de Areños III Photovoltaic Plant, whose Facultative Management has been awarded to CEMOSA.
Virgen de Areños III Photovoltaic Plant will be in the municipality of Villota del Páramo (Palencia) and has a power of 50 MW, which will be achieved from the installation of more than 90,000 photovoltaic panels.
Virgen de Areños III Photovoltaic Project also includes the construction of a plant ST that has a 400/30/30 kV transformer of 125 MVA. The new 400 kV ST FV Virgen de Areños III – ST Carrión Renovables line, with a length of 22.1 km, will allow the evacuation of the energy generated by the plant to ST Carrión Renovables. This new line will have a first single section of approximately 12.1 km and a second double circuit section with a length of 10 km, which will be shared by the future FV Velilla 350 MWdc) that will also be built by Iberdrola Renovables.
The future ST Carrión Renewables will be a collector and measurement of the border point. From this ST to REE’s ST Velilla 400 kV is reached via a new 400 kV overhead line of approximately 0.25km.

CEMOSA, in its position of Owner Engineering, will be responsible for monitoring the correct performance of civil works, mechanical and electrical assembly by the Contractors, in addition to the supervision in supply management, collection and assembly of the different equipment and commissioning, Quality Supervision, Environment and Health & Safety. Activities carried out both in the photovoltaic plant and for its evacuation infrastructure (substation and transmission line).
CEMOSA continues to bet on the strength and impulse of Renewable Energies, now through the construction of the Photovoltaic Plant that will begin the first quarter of this 2022.
The growth of CEMOSA on the photovoltaic business continues.