Gallery Info
The project KAMIC addresses the development of a new structural health monitoring system for critical infrastructures (such as transport infrastructures, dams, pipelines, power plants, publics or security buildings) based on the latest sensors and communications technologies (WSN technology). Through the concepts of easy installation and great versatility, which allow users to design, install and data analysis for any type of infrastructures.
The system is based on the integration of the sensors in the structure. It allows continuous monitoring and comprehensive structural health control thanks to the hardware and software components developed in this project.
The project also includes the validation and the access to the market through the demonstration in three critical infrastructures in Spain: ‘Ramoncillos’ Tunnel (Albuñol, Granada), ‘Castilblanco’ Bridge (Badajoz) and ‘El Limonero’ Dam (Málaga).
The work of the project can be structured in the following sections:
- Analysis of the monitoring needs of the different types of critical infrastructures.
- Study of the current state of technologies related to sensors, hardware platforms, communication systems and software components applicable to structural health monitoring systems (SHM).
- Development of a self-installing sensor kit for monitoring, encapsulated and reduced size, easily adjustable and removable.
- Development of a middleware that guarantees the service quality in the system and independent of the monitoring system of the communication technology.
- Development of a methodology to establish the deployment of the structural monitoring system.
- Development of software solutions to ease the understanding of the information provided by the structural monitoring system.
- Validation of the technologies developed through the real deployments in the demonstrators.
CEMOSA's role
CEMOSA is the project coordinator and takes part in the following technical tasks:
- Design of the infrastructure monitoring strategies.
- Development of algorithms for the assessment of the structural state.
- Validation of the new system in real demonstrators.